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You Either Have Or You Haven't Got

In Word 2007 you can choose a ready-made quick style, or you can apply the styles you've created and saved previously. You can change the look of the styles you are using by choosing a different style set (click on Change Styles > Style Set). You can also change the Theme which drastically alters the look of the whole document by changing colour schemes, the appearance of objects (including SmartArt) and even fonts. Hovering over a style temporarily applies a Live Preview of the style, which is removed when the mouse points away. This allows users to see a preview of how the style would affect the appearance of the object, without actually applying it.

Suppose you change the formatting of content that has already used a style. To retain consistency of this style across the document, right click on the seleced text and then select Styles > Update to Match Selection. For example, you might have restyled a Heading 2 by using a different font. Suddenly this Heading 2 is different to all the others in your document. To get them in line, select the Heading 2, right click on it and select Styles > Update Heading 2 to Match Selection. The changes you applied to the selected Heading 2 will be applied to every other Heading 2 in the document.

A sampling of the style gallery is always displayed in the Style group of the Home tab, allowing you to apply those styles with just one click. To see the whole gallery of styles available, click on the more button (the down arror in the bottom right). But obviously that's now two clicks.

If you've formatted some text in a style you might use again, it's a good idea to save it as a new style. For example you might have applied the emphasis style to a selection of text and then decided to change the font colour to a light orange and also increase the font size. You realise that there are other portions of text that require the same formatting, so you select the text again, right click on it and select Styles > Save Selection as a New Quick Style. Give the new style a name (e.g. emphasis - orange) and this style will now appear in the gallery of Quick Styles. If you decide you will never use this style again, you can remove it from the gallery forever by right clicking on it and selecting Remove From Quick Style Gallery.

Styles Group Thumbnail

Changing Style Sets

Changing Style Sets Thumbnail